Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Four day weekend!

Thank God for people who actually want hours at work! Yeah, I need the hours because I need the money, but I have been in a lot of pain this whole week, so I am grateful that Felicia wanted some more hours! She mentioned something about wanting more hours, so I chimed in with "If you don't work tomorrow, you can have me 3:30-9:30!" and she was like "OKAY!!" So that is awesome. So now I have a four day weekend!
The Dry Heat comedy show for charity is Friday and Saturday. My mom and dad both help run the show from back stage, so Zach and I have some pretty good seats, so there's that to look forward to. But tomorrow I plan on just laying around, enjoying the day off of my feet and resting!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Laying down flooring

 I actually woke up on my own this morning around eight. My dad made my mom and I breakfast, and the three of us lounged around for about an hour, then my dad started to go to work in the living room. I decided to go and help instead of helping my mom clean and do laundry. It was actually a lot of fun, and not that hard to do. We only got half of the room done, the rest we are planning on finishing two weekends from now. We would do it this coming Saturday, but there's a comedy charity event that we all go to and help out at. 
Anywho, I am off to paint my nails now, since I picked the old design off after chipping it.

Finally Home

I have finally returned to my own home after a week of house/dog sitting, and how I have missed my room!

So I watched my mom's friend's house while she and her family went on vacation. They have four dogs that I always "babysat". As much as I love dogs, one of them was a lot to handle, and a huge pain in my butt. I once thought my Chihuahua, Boomer, was annoying, but now I realize how mellow he actually is. Sleeping at this house comfortably was impossible. Apparently all four dogs are always allowed to sleep on the full size bed with their owners. They take up every inch of space, including the space I was trying to occupy! I don't normally toss and turn that much, maybe changing positions three or four times in the night; it was a major hassle trying to re situate myself with two large dogs, a medium sized and a small Chihuahua laying all about the bed, on top and under the covers. I did love playing with them every night before bed however, but I'm so grateful that Boomer sleeps one corner of my bed and refuses to move, even when I try to pull him closer to snuggle.

Tomorrow my shifts for work go back to normal, which means I have Sundays off! Hurray! I look forward to attempting to sleep in before I am forced awake by the sounds of my dad tearing out the carpet in the living room downstairs and laying down tile. Looking forward to at least lying in my bed, whether I sleep or not!