Monday, September 26, 2011

Apparently I am supposed to screen what I say, because I might hurt people's feelings. Well, this is my blog, so I am not going to screen what I say, or watch what I say. If you have a problem with the things going on in my life, or whatever, you should probably private message me, or call about it, instead of talking about it to other people.
I don't appreciate people talking about me behind my back.

Anyway, life is blah. Taking ASL with my mom is pretty fun. I look forward to every Monday and Wednesday to go to class with her.

Going to Lindsay's birthday party Saturday, then to Nick's birthday bash later on that night. Should be a fun weekend. Too bad I have to work Saturday morning... still looking forward to time with boyfriend and my friends!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nothing new..

Had a pretty crappy end of the week. Wednesday, I forgot to get a money pull from my drawer, so Thursday I got a "write up" on that. Then during the rush of money orders and distributing pay checks, I did a major mess up on a return, and gave a customer way too much back, and Rob overrode it... then called me about five minutes later telling me he just realized the mistake. I've been sort of stressing out all weekend about whether or not there will be more paperwork for that mistake. I don't usually make those sort of dumb mistakes, so I'm upset that I did it twice in two days!

Other than that, spent the weekend at Zach's house. I met up with Lindsay for a while on Saturday to go and get fitted for her bridesmaid's dress with two other girls in her party. That was ... not a pleasant experience, since all of them are stick-thin. But had a good time spending some time with her before returning to Zach's.

Pretty lazy weekend, now back to work tomorrow. I'm ready for my five day vacation in October already!