Monday, November 7, 2011


It's amazing how a few new stretch marks can kick you into gear. I know I've gained more weight since last year, almost 10 pounds more in the last six months. It's disgusting, I am sick of myself, looking at myself and seeing how big I've become.
Usually when I get home from work, I just want to chill out, but not anymore. Starting tomorrow (or today I guess, since its past midnight) I'm going to ride the exercise bike for at least 30 minutes on a steep incline and fast as I can. Then for a cool down, I'm going to take Boomer on a walk around the block twice. Each night I'm going to weigh myself and write it down on the calendar that sits on my computer desk. That way, I'll see how much I weigh all the time that I am sitting at the computer instead of doing something active.
Tonight, I did a couple of sets of crunches and side crunches, and used the weights Zach let me borrow to do four sets of this one thing he showed me that works your back, legs, arms and tummy. I figured that be all for tonight since I'm not in shape at all, and it's late, I can't really go into the garage and turn on music and risk waking my parents up. Tomorrow, though, it's go time. I'm tired of being fat, I'm tired of new stretch marks appearing, or looking at photos from five months ago where I was fat and complaining about it, when now I'm even fatter. Salads are going to become my best friend at work during lunches, and apples for random snacks at home or at work. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol. Sucks since Zach and I like to drink a couple glasses of wine, and I like to drink those shitty Mike's Hard Lemonades that are loaded with sugar every weekend. But I think that's how I gained more weight after that shot that messed me up last year. It was an extra 30lbs I didn't need, and ever since then, I just keep gaining.

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