Monday, November 7, 2011


It's amazing how a few new stretch marks can kick you into gear. I know I've gained more weight since last year, almost 10 pounds more in the last six months. It's disgusting, I am sick of myself, looking at myself and seeing how big I've become.
Usually when I get home from work, I just want to chill out, but not anymore. Starting tomorrow (or today I guess, since its past midnight) I'm going to ride the exercise bike for at least 30 minutes on a steep incline and fast as I can. Then for a cool down, I'm going to take Boomer on a walk around the block twice. Each night I'm going to weigh myself and write it down on the calendar that sits on my computer desk. That way, I'll see how much I weigh all the time that I am sitting at the computer instead of doing something active.
Tonight, I did a couple of sets of crunches and side crunches, and used the weights Zach let me borrow to do four sets of this one thing he showed me that works your back, legs, arms and tummy. I figured that be all for tonight since I'm not in shape at all, and it's late, I can't really go into the garage and turn on music and risk waking my parents up. Tomorrow, though, it's go time. I'm tired of being fat, I'm tired of new stretch marks appearing, or looking at photos from five months ago where I was fat and complaining about it, when now I'm even fatter. Salads are going to become my best friend at work during lunches, and apples for random snacks at home or at work. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol. Sucks since Zach and I like to drink a couple glasses of wine, and I like to drink those shitty Mike's Hard Lemonades that are loaded with sugar every weekend. But I think that's how I gained more weight after that shot that messed me up last year. It was an extra 30lbs I didn't need, and ever since then, I just keep gaining.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Strange Day

Today has been odd, I don't know if it has something to do with my weird sleep schedule, or what, but today, people were on the extremely stupid side. I had some customer write "4,500.00" down as an amount to wire someone via Western Union, and then flipped out on me, saying "I WANTED TO SEND 45.00!!" Well, zeros and comma placement was something I think everyone learned back in fourth grade.. so settle down.

Steve is about to get his ass beat, too. He's one on saying I can't run the desk, and I'm going to need a lot of help from management this week because it's the first week of the month and it's when it's busiest up at the desk. Yeah, I know that. That's PROBABLY why they put me up there on Wednesdays and Thursdays, because it's the busiest. He walks around like he's the damn inventor of the service desk, "I am King Steve, down to meeeeeeee." No, go to hell. I know how to run the desk. Tom, Larry, Rob, Daniel, Brian, and Karina ... you know, all of the REAL managers, seem to love me up there, and customers adore me up there and everyone is scanning is thrilled when Steve isn't at the desk, so he can go to hell. KTHX. While on the Steve rant, I don't appreciate him changing the hours he wants, suddenly taking an interest in Friday's and Saturday's off. Bitch, you are like a hundred years old, WTF do you need the weekend off for? Cause I'm only 23, and I need it it get wasted and pass out at my boyfriend's house. Okay, maybe I don't get wasted or pass out, but still, I am younger, therefore, weekends are mine.

In other news, the little asshole kids that egged my car while at Mary's party last Friday ... I will hunt them down one way or another and f**k their shit up! Despite mine and Mary's attempt to hose off my car and dry it off, apparently a spot was missed, and there is an oval of paint missing from the driver's side passenger door. I am not a happy camper. They are lucky I didn't catch them. I would have love to grab them by the back of their hair, and make them lick the raw egg off of my car, then slam their head into the sidewalk, I am so pissed off.

But now that that's out of my system .... I guess my poor Leela couldn't look brand new forever. Just wish she could've made it to a full year before dents and other things damage her new-ness.

Anyway, that's a little update from me. Kthxbye.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Apparently I am supposed to screen what I say, because I might hurt people's feelings. Well, this is my blog, so I am not going to screen what I say, or watch what I say. If you have a problem with the things going on in my life, or whatever, you should probably private message me, or call about it, instead of talking about it to other people.
I don't appreciate people talking about me behind my back.

Anyway, life is blah. Taking ASL with my mom is pretty fun. I look forward to every Monday and Wednesday to go to class with her.

Going to Lindsay's birthday party Saturday, then to Nick's birthday bash later on that night. Should be a fun weekend. Too bad I have to work Saturday morning... still looking forward to time with boyfriend and my friends!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nothing new..

Had a pretty crappy end of the week. Wednesday, I forgot to get a money pull from my drawer, so Thursday I got a "write up" on that. Then during the rush of money orders and distributing pay checks, I did a major mess up on a return, and gave a customer way too much back, and Rob overrode it... then called me about five minutes later telling me he just realized the mistake. I've been sort of stressing out all weekend about whether or not there will be more paperwork for that mistake. I don't usually make those sort of dumb mistakes, so I'm upset that I did it twice in two days!

Other than that, spent the weekend at Zach's house. I met up with Lindsay for a while on Saturday to go and get fitted for her bridesmaid's dress with two other girls in her party. That was ... not a pleasant experience, since all of them are stick-thin. But had a good time spending some time with her before returning to Zach's.

Pretty lazy weekend, now back to work tomorrow. I'm ready for my five day vacation in October already!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Meeting Josh Groban

For some odd reason, I never posted that I actually won meet and greet passes from the Josh Groban fan club - but I did! I entered through the fan club by just submitting my name and the date of the concert I had tickets for. I was constantly logging in through my phone to check the boards where they were posting the winners; two days before the show in Arizona, they posted the Phoenix winners. I was at Zach's, and told him I was gonna be so bummed out that I didn't win. And then I opened the link and flipped out when I saw my screen name listed on there! I had to check it about 40 more times that night to make sure I read it right. Sure enough, there was even an email in my AOL account congratulating me!
So yesterday was the show, and my mom and I decided to take the light rail there. I was freaking out the whole time! I felt like I was going to throw up and pass out, we we still had three hours before we could even go into the arena! We got to the arena around 4, and with an hour to go before will call opened up, so we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe directly across the street. Luckily, when we were done eating, it was 5 o' clock, and will call had opened up when we went inside (thank God they had a waiting area inside, because it was so freaking hot outside). Once we got our concert tickets, we had to wait until seven (TWO HOURS OF IMPATIENCE). Every 20 minutes or so, I'd go back up to will call asking about the meet and greet passes, but they took forever getting the passes to the will call, I guess. And I finally got them about 30 minutes to the doors opening. We had to meet at a certain section, so once the doors opened, we booked it to the restroom so we could change into our nicer clothes, then hauled ass down to meet up with all the other winners!
There were a lot more people than I expected. For some reason, I thought it was only the five winners from the fan club plus their one extra person. There were a good 50 people in our meet and greet group alone, and apparently there were two other groups after us! So anyway, the arena people led us down to the hall where we all had to line up against the wall as the tour manager/security for Josh told us all the rules of the meet and greet (one autograph only, one photo only, blah blah blah).

Before I go any further, I might as well stop and tell the story I was practicing telling Josh over the past two days! Back in like 2005, when my cousin Tonnie was trying to get me to listen to his music, she pitched it to me by saying "this guy sings so great, he could make the Oscar Meyer Wiener song sound beautiful!!" And ever since then, her and I have always said if we ever met him, we would tell him that stupid story, then ask him to sing it! And then my best friend Lindsay told me I should find those little whistles to give to him along with the story! My dad found a Hot Wheels Wiener car and gave it to me to give to Josh!

Okay, so it's my turn to meet Josh, and I'm trying to be calm. I walk up, shake his hand and I say, "okay ... this is going to be really dorky... but--" and he cut me off with "I LOVE DORKY STUFF!" So, I laugh and say, "okay good...." then told him the story about Tonnie and the Oscar Meyer song, then I pulled out the Hot Wheels car and tell him, "my dad and I went through his Hot Wheels collection and found this..." and basically shouts "NO WAY!" and I keep talking, adding, "so here you go, so maybe next time you're on Jimmy Kimmel, doing funny stuff like the Kanye Tweets or something, maybe you could sing the Wiener song for me and my cousin!" and he gets this totally dorky excited smile and asks, "THIS IS FOR ME?!" and I tell him yeah, and he says, "I will treasure this FOREVER! This is awesome!!" Then we got our picture taken (which was horrible cause I did a stupid face where it looks like I have a double chin because my flash didn't go off at first. My camera kinda sucks, and I thought it wasn't going to work, then mid-stupid face, the photo took! UGH! Oh well!). So then it's my mom's turn to talk to him, and as she's walking up to him, and I'm walking off to the side, I heard Josh, talking to his security guy, "LOOK WHAT I JUST GOT!!!!!" about the Oscar Meyer car!

So that's my awesome story, I am so stunned I actually got the story about, and it was understandable, as I talk super fast when I am excited! My mom and I had the middle section on the floor, row 6 from the stage, the two end seats, so it was like the most perfect night ever!! I actually got to meet Josh, and tell him mine and my cousins "if we ever meet Josh ..." story, gave him something he seemed pretty excited about, and had amazing seats. I got great photos, which I'm uploading as I type this.

Best. Night. Ever. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My new phone has arrived! I went to Verizon on Friday to get the new Droid 3, and they were all out, so I had to order it. I know Friday to Tuesday isn't actually that long, but it feels like it was forever!
Anyway, work sucked, a lot of drama, and rude people. But tomorrow and Thursday I am at the service desk, so I don't really have a lot to do, so I plan to use that time to mess with my phone!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Four day weekend!

Thank God for people who actually want hours at work! Yeah, I need the hours because I need the money, but I have been in a lot of pain this whole week, so I am grateful that Felicia wanted some more hours! She mentioned something about wanting more hours, so I chimed in with "If you don't work tomorrow, you can have me 3:30-9:30!" and she was like "OKAY!!" So that is awesome. So now I have a four day weekend!
The Dry Heat comedy show for charity is Friday and Saturday. My mom and dad both help run the show from back stage, so Zach and I have some pretty good seats, so there's that to look forward to. But tomorrow I plan on just laying around, enjoying the day off of my feet and resting!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Laying down flooring

 I actually woke up on my own this morning around eight. My dad made my mom and I breakfast, and the three of us lounged around for about an hour, then my dad started to go to work in the living room. I decided to go and help instead of helping my mom clean and do laundry. It was actually a lot of fun, and not that hard to do. We only got half of the room done, the rest we are planning on finishing two weekends from now. We would do it this coming Saturday, but there's a comedy charity event that we all go to and help out at. 
Anywho, I am off to paint my nails now, since I picked the old design off after chipping it.

Finally Home

I have finally returned to my own home after a week of house/dog sitting, and how I have missed my room!

So I watched my mom's friend's house while she and her family went on vacation. They have four dogs that I always "babysat". As much as I love dogs, one of them was a lot to handle, and a huge pain in my butt. I once thought my Chihuahua, Boomer, was annoying, but now I realize how mellow he actually is. Sleeping at this house comfortably was impossible. Apparently all four dogs are always allowed to sleep on the full size bed with their owners. They take up every inch of space, including the space I was trying to occupy! I don't normally toss and turn that much, maybe changing positions three or four times in the night; it was a major hassle trying to re situate myself with two large dogs, a medium sized and a small Chihuahua laying all about the bed, on top and under the covers. I did love playing with them every night before bed however, but I'm so grateful that Boomer sleeps one corner of my bed and refuses to move, even when I try to pull him closer to snuggle.

Tomorrow my shifts for work go back to normal, which means I have Sundays off! Hurray! I look forward to attempting to sleep in before I am forced awake by the sounds of my dad tearing out the carpet in the living room downstairs and laying down tile. Looking forward to at least lying in my bed, whether I sleep or not!